Tuesday 14 December 2010

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising & Marketing - Advert Comparison

Britney Spears Advert Analysis

  Mariah Carey Advert Analysis
The main differences in how the models are represented in my adverts are that in Mariah’s advert she is posed sexually and its probably because her target audience is for young women, or middle aged women, whereas Britney’s advert is for a younger generation. Although Mariah is more sexual, Britney is showing a lot of body , but she looks more young and innocent. I think there is a different target audience in terms of social class because Mariah looks quite posh because of her silk dress and silk bed sheets, and Britney looks A bit cheaper and more casual. This is because Mariah is older and mature so her type of advert is more relevant, and Britney is younger and therefore has to make the advert relevant to the younger generation.  They have used similar persuasive techniques  such as sexually attractiveness and anchorage text to target their specific audiences.