Wednesday 31 August 2011

Assignment Bank 2: Film Promotion - Final Film Poster.

The poster conventions that I have used in my own poster are a tagline, the title of the movie, a critic review, a very eye catching image & the certificate rating. These would appeal to my target audience, as my eye catching image makes it clear that the movie is going to be a scary one.The representation that I have put together in my poster makes the movie seem interesting at first glance, because of the way the actress has been portrayed with the heavy makeup and the frightening face. The title of the movie also gives of the impression that this person has another side to her, as the W is crossed and replaced with a B.In my storyboard, the trailer conventions that I have presented are showing the company that has distributed the movie at the beginning, using appropriate sound for the trailer itself, showing the title of the movie, a narrative & some information about the movie at the end, such as when it will be released. My trailer would appeal to my target audience as I have used a narrative that gains the audience’s attention, due to the way the person is speaking and the background, which helps to bring a sense of horror into the actual trailer itself. I have also put some information at the end about the movie, so that people would be interested to go and see it, and usually there would be a release date but in mine I decided not to have that so that creates more attention and hopefully get people to atleast think about seeing the movie.