Wednesday 28 September 2011

Assignment Bank 3: Print (Magazine) - Analysing the contents page.

On the contents page the information is quite jumbled. The main story in the magazine is placed in the middle of the contents page. This is, like the cover page, about Tulisa Contostavlos and the X Factor, this time she is with her fellow judge Kelly Rowland. You can see clearly that this is the main story as it has the biggest image and the most text, and also the page number is the biggest one on the contents page. The rests of the page numbers are at the bottom left hand side; these also include a little text to tell you what that certain page includes. Also there is some more information about other stories included in the magazine and an image with each one, you able to tell quite clearly that they are also top stories as there page numbers are quite big too. This tells us that the magazine is going to be quite wild & messy and fun, this is because the contents page is very bold. There are promotional features included in the contents page, these are posters. There are 10 posters included somewhere in the magazine.  The logo/name of the magazine is placed at the top right hand corner of the contents page. It’s not very big but you are able to see it easily.

Assignment Bank 3: Print (Magazine) - Analysing a Magazine Cover.

We love pop, is a girly magazine, it mainly about gossip, fashion and boys.  The target audience for this magazine is pre teens and teenage girls. From the ages 12/13-16. Girls from this sort of age group are usually interested with fashion, boys and of course the latest hot gossip. The central image is an ‘X-Factor’ judge, and is also a member of ‘N Dubz’ Tulisa Contostavlos. She gives off a direct mode of address; she does this by staring directly at the camera. This will get the audience’s attention, and allows a connection to be made with the reader. It allows attracts the reader’s attention as she is a new judge on the X Factor, most people, including children, teenagers and adults enjoy this show and already know Tulisa because of her music. The anchorage text says ‘Tears, Strepsils and Tesco! The X Factor star keeps it real’. This implies that even thought she is a known celebrity and star in the UK, she does the same things as everyone else., she is an emotional person, as she ‘cries’, she gets ill and she shops in Tesco’s. this shows that she is your day to day person, she is no different from anyone else, the fame has not changed her. There aren’t any groups being represented on the cover of the magazine, also there are 3 small images to the bottom left of the magazine. The images include 3 women, who are young and dress well. This attracts young readers as they would aspire to be like these women. To the top left hand corner of the magazine, buzz words such as ‘brand new mag’ and towards the centre ‘world exclusive’ are used. This engages the reader as it is a cool new magazine with lots of new gossip. The design of the block title tells me that the magazine is defiantly aimed at young teenage girls, this is because the title is “we       pop”. This represents the magazine as bubbly and loud, just like teenage girls. The title of the magazine tells us that it is aimed at teenagers because of the images and language used. The colours used are quite bold, most teenage girls like the colour pink and this is why I think the layout used , to attract teenage girls. Also it’s a bold and bright colour, so it will catch the eye. The ‘puffs’ tell us that there is going to be a lot of teenage-related content in the magazine. This includes Justin Bieber, and he attracts a lot of teenage girls. There is also more text about boys being included in this magazine; also fashion is going to be involved in the mag. This tells me that the type of audience that the magazine expects to get is teenage girls.