Wednesday 19 October 2011

Assignment Bank 3: Print (Magazine) - Survey Results.

All of the people that answered this question said that they were interested in fashion magazines, 6/8 people said that they were interested in gossip magazines, 1 /8 said that they liked sport magazines and another  1 person said they were interested in food magazines.

4 out of the 8 people that answered this question said that they normally buy a magazine every month, 2 of the 8 people said that they buy a magazine every week , another person said that they buy a magazine every 2 weeks & 1 more person said that they buy a magazine every 3 weeks.

7/8 people that answered this question said that they usually pay around £2-£3 for a magazine and 4/8 said that they would usually spend around £1-£2.

This question was multiple choice (multiple answer ) , 7/8 people would like to see more fashion in magazines, 5/8 people said that they would like to see more of healthy eating in magazines, 5 people said that they would want to see more gossip in magazines, 4/8 people said they would like to see more celebrities in magazines, 1 person said that they would like to see more of sport in magazine and 3 people chose other, which means they would like to see more of something else in magazines.

This question, like the previous was multiple choice (multiple answer), 6 people said that they have purchased OK! In the past, 4 people said that they have purchased Reveal in the past, 4 people said that they have purchased heat in the past, 5 people have brought Now in the past and 3 people said that they have purchased Vogue before.

6 out of the 8 people that answered this question said that they would like to see a known celebrity on the front cover of a new magazine, but the other 2 people said that they would like to see a model on the front cover of a new magazine.

6 out of the 8 people that answered this question said that they would like to see the new magazine being purchased once a week; the other 2 out of 8 people said that they would like to see the new magazine purchased monthly.

This question was multiple answer, 1 person said that they would like to see stationary being purchased with the new magazine another person said they would like to see stickers being purchased with it. 5 people said that they would like to see nail polish being purchased with this new magazine, 3 people said that they would want lipstick or lip gloss to be purchased with the magazine, and 4 people said that they would like something else to be purchased with this new magazine.

Wednesday 12 October 2011

Assignment Bank 3: Print (Magazine) - Analysing A Two-Page Spread.

In this two page spread, the language that is used is very informal; this shows that the audience is aimed for teenagers. The language used makes the reader feel comfortable and brings a sort of connection with Tulisa. This is an important factor because doing this helps to bring attention to reader, and will make them want to move on. The interview comes across as a conversation between the interviewer and Tulisa. Non standard phrases such as ‘you can’t really’ have been used by Tulisa, which shows that Tulisa can be herself and don’t have to be professional. How is colour used In the two page spread, the colour that is used is very moderate, there’s not as much pink as there is on the front page therefore it doesn’t seem as loud as the front page. The way in which the text has been laid out on the page shows Tulisa’s slightly longer responses, and the questions being asked.  You can clearly see the interviewers questions as they are in bright pink, (this goes with the layout), and Tulisa’s answers as they are underneath the questions. Out of the ‘triple’ page spread, only one page is occupied by an image and the other 2 pages have smaller images and a lot of text. This shows the importance of this interview and why Tulisa was placed on the front cover. The tone that the magazine has used is very informal, it’s calm and relaxed. It allows the reader to connect with the interviewer and Tulisa (the interviewee) because the words used are clearly informal; it shows that the conversation is almost spontaneous because of the way Tulisa responds to the questions. The interviewer clearly gets a lot out of Tulisa so you wouldn’t have to have that much knowledge about Tulisa.