Thursday 24 March 2011

Assignment Bank 1: Advertising & Marketing - Advert + Explanation

This is my Final Advert.

The ideologies that are attached to my advert are affordable, high street, fashionable and trendy, so the buyers look good. New look’s prices aren’t too high, yet they’re not cheap. My target audience are young middleclass females, preferably trendies. My advert appeals to my target audience because the clothes in my advert are the sort of thing that young females would wear. One’s a very smart outfit, ones a classy black dress and the last picture is a casual but still dressy top, jeans and heels. In my advert, the needs that I have targeted from the Maslow’s hierarchy pyramid are self esteem, confidence and creativity. The persuasive techniques I have used in my advert is needs and fears and also personal appeal, this is because if the person purchases the clothes, then they will be seen as fashionable. The person in my advert is represented as a fashionista.

Thursday 17 March 2011