Thursday 31 March 2011

what is my current grade?

1 comment:

  1. Analyse and Respond: Level 5: 7/10

    Good quality analysis of your two adverts and explanation of your own advert idea has been given. You have used media terminology effectively, with confidence and write in detail. Accurate and precise use of language has been used along with detail reference to how audiences consume adverts is discussed.

    Research, Planning and Presentation: Level 6: 5/5
    Independent and effective research and planning is evident. Your advert idea demonstrates creativity and uses appropriate forms and conventions of a print advert in its construction. Your audience is clearly identified and you have presented your work skilfully.

    Overall: 12/15 (A)

    Excellent work Amy! Very well presented and really demonstrates your good knowledge and understanding of this assignment bank. I am really pleased with the progress you have made and the quality of your work. Well done!
